Laser Impulse
Fiber Optic Laser Design and Production

Fiber Laser Systems

The Laser Impulse fiber laser systems are specialized for emitting highly amplified ultrashort laser pulses around 1 micron wavelength.  These systems are typically seeded with an ultrashort pulse (fs or ps) laser oscillator at pulse repetition rates in the few MHz to hundreds of MHz range.  While in some cases direct pulse amplification is possible to modest peak power levels, most often the chirped pulse amplification technique must be utilized for reaching in-fiber peak power levels well above 50kW prior to pulse compression.  The highly amplified optical pulses can be recompressed to a few hundred fs pulse length while peak powers can reach as high as 100MW.  A unique feature of one type of fs fiber laser system from Laser Impulse is the very precise temporal synchronization to an external, burst mode, pulsed source such as a large scale, high intensity x-ray laser sorce (ref. European XFEL Laser Facility).  

Highly synchronized pulse burst generation (fast timing) and burst mode amplification (slow timing) as well as in-burst pulse repetitions rate modification (pre-scaling) are all utilized in these systems.  These maintenance free systems deliver highly amplified pulses with very low temporal jitter and negligible thermal drift.  Master oscillator power amplifier systems for ns or longer pulses – possibly with the same complexity described above - complement the portfolio.